Easy Ways to Instill Creativity and a Love of Art in Children

Easy Ways to Instill Creativity and a Love of Art in Children

Nowadays, most children are over-structured, swamped with schoolwork, and have little time to engage in activities that will benefit their wellbeing, such as art. As a result, children, who are naturally creative by nature, are beginning to lose their innate sense of creativity. In fact, a study has shown that 85 percent of today's children are less creative than their counterparts from the 1980s. Reduced exposure to art activities, the lack of art education in schools, as well as increased use of gadgets, may have played a significant role in the decline of creativity and disinterest in art. Since art can enhance a child's life and wellbeing in so many ways, it's extremely important that parents instill creativity and a love of art in their little ones. Here are some easy and practical ways to do it.  

Provide art materials at home 

Art can help a child's ability to think flexibly, cope with boredom, and imagine alternative possibilities. Moreover, studies have shown that engaging in art activities, such as drawing or painting, can help kids manage stress, cope with sadness or depression, and help to boost their self-confidence. To encourage your child to sculpt, doodle, paint, draw, or color, provide some art materials and make them readily available for sudden fits of creativity. Have some paper, crayons, colored pencils, and markers that your child can use to draw magical creatures, such as a fairy or a mermaid. You may also want to have some recyclable materials, such as egg cartons, plastic bottles, and toilet paper tubes that your little one can use to make something new. For older children, include a few small pots of acrylic paint, glue, and brush pens in your art stash. Put everything in a nice container and assign one spot of your home as the art area to contain messes and for easy cleanup. 

Visit a museum or gallery 

A trip to the museum or gallery exposes your child to different art forms and gives them a newfound appreciation for art. Simply looking at artwork can also help to boost happiness, so it's a good activity if your child needs a little cheering up. Check out special hours or dates to get a discount or free admission to some of the best museums in the US.  For instance, you can pay what you wish to see at the Frick Collection from 11 am to 1 pm on Sundays. Meanwhile, you can go to the Museum of Modern Art in NYC for free on Fridays from 7 pm to 9 pm. Don't forget to buy a souvenir to remind your little one of your special trip. 

Let them do art their own way

If your child prefers to take aesthetic pictures of flowers over painting a still life of blooms in a vase, or if they would rather draw using a drawing tablet than use a sketchbook and pencil, then let them do art their own way. The great thing about art is that there are many ways to do it, and there's no right and wrong way to express yourself in an artistic manner. Show support for their preferred medium, and display some of their works at home to inspire them to create more. 

Art can benefit your child's mental and emotional wellbeing in different ways. Consider these tips to instill creativity in your little one and encourage a lifelong love for the arts.