Benefits of the Beach

Benefits of the Beach

The weather is getting warmer, but it’s not quite summer yet. Are you dreaming of a seaside vacation? Besides the obvious benefits of the beach being a fantastic getaway, the beach can improve your overall health in a variety of ways. Looking for another reason to relax on the sand and soak up the sun? You’ve come to the right place! 

Respiratory Health Benefits 

It’s a common belief that respiratory problems can be alleviated slightly by taking salt baths and breathing in salty air. But is there any scientific evidence to back it up? 

One study tested patients with lung diseases to see if their conditions improved after breathing in the ocean air. The study found that the patients had thinner mucus, improved lung function, reduced coughing and decreased sinus pressure. 

Even if you don’t suffer from lung disease, the ocean air is still beneficial. Negative ions accelerate your body’s ability to absorb oxygen and balance serotonin levels, making you happier and healthier. 

Other Physical Health Benefits 

Not only is the seaside environment good for your lungs – it also can improve your overall physical health.  

• Relaxing on the beach encourages physical activity, such as walking, running, swimming or playing a sport such as sand volleyball or frisbee 

• Feet and body are naturally exfoliated from the sand 

• Magnesium in seawater increases skin elasticity, hydrates skin and improves the skin’s appearance 

• Limited amounts of sunlight promote dry and healed skin 

• Vitamins, minerals and amino acids in the seawater help promote immunity 

Get grounded by walking on the sand with bare feet for an increase in overall wellbeing 


Mental and Emotional Benefits 

Quite evidently, the beach can be extremely beneficial to your mental and emotional wellbeing. The sound of waves alters your brain pattern into a deeply relaxed state. This makes it easy to meditate, which increases creativity, reduces stress, increases happiness and improves peace. The feel-good feeling you get while relaxing on the beach is called “thalassotherapy”, or sea therapy.  

Visiting the beach frequently will help fight anxiety and depression, too. The sun causes your endocrine system to secrete endorphins, also known as feel-good hormones. In addition to the help from the sun, you’ll get a boost from the salt in seawater as it preserves depression-fighting hormones in your brain. 

Due to computers, phones and other electronic devices, our brain is constantly over stimulated with positive ions or free radicals. By visiting the beach, you can increase the number of negative ions which will enhance your immune system and improve alertness and concentration. 

Go to the Beach Often 

Though you’ll need to pack sunscreen, making it to the beach every day is extremely good for your health. You can even visit the beach at sunrise or sunset to receive the beach’s benefits without overexposing yourself to the sun. 
Have we convinced you to plan your next vacation to the beach yet? Make these immune-supporting, healthy benefits your excuse for a seaside getaway. And don’t forget to take your CoraCue® Immune Support* Multivitamin while you’re at it!