7 Family-Friendly Ideas to Support “Our Planet, Our Health” for World Health Day

7 Family-Friendly Ideas to Support “Our Planet, Our Health” for World Health Day

On April 7th, World Health Day is celebrated. Every year, a new campaign takes place to bring awareness to a specific health topic. World Health Day 2022 focuses on the “Our plant, our health” initiative in hopes of encouraging families, organizations, and individuals to do their part in helping “keep humans and the planet healthy and foster a movement to create societies focused on well-being.”    

Changing the world—literally—is clearly a major initiative that takes the world to accomplish. But if every family implemented one small tactic, it could make a monumental difference. How is your family going to participate? Choose a family-friendly activity from our list of ideas below! 

1. Plant a Garden 

Gardens, even small home gardens, benefit the environment by improving air and soil quality, as well as help protect wildlife and pollinators. Visit your local nursery to explore seed options for fresh fruits, vegetables, and other plants. For helpful tips, visit the Gardening section in our Springtime Activities blog. 

2. Educate 

Educating your children about global health at a young age will encourage them to make conscious decisions later in life. This can be as simple as swapping a bedtime story 1-3 times per week with a topical story about world health. Here are a few recommendations for ages 0-5: The Little Fox and the Wonderful Journey, We are Water Protectors, Recycling is Fun, and The Little Gardener.     

3. Daily Family Walks 

Do you live in a walkable community? Opt to walk your daily errands instead of using motor transportation to reduce pollution. In today’s world, walking everywhere is unrealistic but apply this where possible. Even as a daily ritual, walking benefits the environment by increasing exposure to nature to develop an appreciation for it. In addition to environmental benefits, daily walks offer physical, emotional, academic and social/bonding benefits. Learn more here. 

4. Shop Local for Groceries 

Local farmers need our support to encourage more sustainable agriculture and improve our carbon footporint, according to McGill. Depending on your location, you may be able to find farmer’s markets or farms that offer educational children’s events. Side note: Local foods usually taste better, too.  

5. Get Creative in the Kitchen 

It’s time to put on your chef hats! Try creative, healthy recipes with your kids that incorporate more organic fruits, vegetables, and grains. Organic crops are better for the environment because they use fewer resources and less chemicals. 

6. Lights Off, Please 

Teach your little ones to turn off the lights whenever leaving a room. This simple habit reserves energy and reduces carbon emission. Make it fun by creating a “Leave the room” song. 

“When I leave the room, 
I turn off the light. 
It helps save my planet, 
And that’s a delight!”  

7. Start a Community Health Group 

If you have other families in your neighborhood, consider starting a Community Health Group. Every month, announce a family-friendly project or event to promote global health. Plant a community garden, plan a neighborhood 2K (1.2 miles), put a fundraiser on the calendar for a local organization that prioritizes world health, conduct an Earth Day Storybook Read-A-Loud...the possibilities are endless! 

Share which activity your family decided on in the comments section. Stay tuned for next year’s World Health Day theme!